Stacking The Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Marlene of Reading Reality. It’s all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in a physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, books for review from authors, Netgalley, Edelweiss or publishers, as well as gifts or books you won.

This week I did much better with my requesting ARCs. 4 books by authors I follow, 1 book from a series I have started, and 1 read now after seeing it highlighted on Brainfluff, Sarah’s blog.  I received 1 book for upcoming blog tour, and added 5 audiobooks (novellas from audible plus that were expiring and I have already listened to them). The ebooks were already on my TBR. Let’s see what the damage to my TBR shelf is this week. 

Netgalley: 5 ebooks


Blog Tours: 1 ebook


Edelweiss: 1 ebook 

Library, KU, purchases: Nothing this week

Audible Plus: 3 Short Stories, plus 5 Novellas all of which I have already listened to.


Not too many additions to my TBR shelf this week. This week, I only added 7 ARCs to my shelves, much better than I did in the previous weeks. I did download 8 items from Audible Plus, but I already listened to all of them, but technically, it was 15 additions in total to my TBR mountain. I am on track to read/listen to 19 books/audiobooks (5 novellas, 3 short stories), so my TBR mountain shrinks a little bit.

What did you add to you shelves this week?