I saw this bookish travel post on It’s All About Books and thought, I like this!! So, I decided to try and do it at the end of every month. Hopefully, I will be able to keep track. I would love to be able to travel more, but I have to settle for armchair travel. I am only including actual places which is fine as I don’t read a lot of fantasy. One thing I did realize is that Historical Fiction tends to take me to more places than other books. Here goes, Bon Voyage and thanks Yvo!

This year, I will also be keeping track for the year, so that I will see how many states, provinces and countries I visit in 2024. March found me visiting 19 countries, 7 different states, and 1 province. Quite a number for this armchair traveler. Some locations get visited more than once, but I am only going to include one book for each location. So far this year, I have visited:

  • 22 Countries: Austria, Australia, Canada, Croatia, Cuba, Czech Republic/Czechoslovakia, Egypt, England, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Ireland, Italy, New Zealand, Poland, Russia, Scotland, Spain, US, Vietnam, Wales
  • 21 States + DC: Alabama, California, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washington, Washington DC
  • 1 Provinces/Territories: Alberta

March Travels:

19 Countries: Australia, Canada, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Egypt, England, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, New Zealand, Poland, Russia, Scotland, Spain, US, Vietnam, Wales

8 States: California, Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Texas, Washington

1 Provinces/Territories: Alberta

If you an armchair traveler, like I am, join in. You might be surprised where you go each month.