This reading challenge, hosted by Austine @ Austine Decker.comis returning for its 8th year in 2024! I have participated for the last two years and it has really helped me tackle all the books on my backlist that I keep saying and hoping to get to. I am pledging to read 100 backlist books in 2024. I am also setting a mini goal inside this one, to read the 24 books on my NG or EW list that have been on there the longest.


  • The book must have been published in 2023 or earlier. (I use October 31st as my cutoff date)
  • You have to start and finish the book in 2024.
  • The challenge runs from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024.
  • Any format, any genre. Re-reads count, you don’t have to own the book, and you can join at any time. Track your BTB reading separately or pair it with another reading challenge!

There is no formal sign-up for Beat the Backlist. Whether you want to make a Goodreads shelf, declare your participation on social media, make a blog post, share an instagram story, or say nothing at all, you’re welcome. The only request is that if you do post somewhere online about the challenge, please give Austine a link back so more readers can learn about BTB! Share your updates with the tag #BeatTheBacklist!

Be sure to visit Austine @ Austine for options. There are bingo cards, book prompts and a discord group you can join if you are interested.

I will post my progress on an upcoming tracking post that I will update throughout the year. Anyone else want to join in on this one?