Hello and Happy Saturday! It is a time to spread some positivity amongst all the doom and gloom on social media and in the news. Please feel free to join in with your own Positivity post.

Things might not always seem to be positive, but I try to look at the positive side of things. I was in a car accident a couple of weeks ago. I was a passenger in the vehicle, driven by my friend’s daughter. So what is positive or what am I grateful for?

  • So grateful for airbags!
  • Grateful that none of us were seriously injured.
  • I love OnStar! It immediately called 911 and the police were there so quickly.
  • Friends that were inside the restaurant where we were going for dinner. (It was a surprise birthday party for my friend) We got rides back to the cottage, lots of support, and people to take our minds off of what happened

Sherman was here for 4 days while my daughter and her husband went away. We swam and laid around a lot.

My daughter got a new job and bought a new house over the last two weeks. I am grateful for her good fortune, and the fact that I will get to visit more of my wonderful country. She is moving to the Halifax area of Nova Scotia at the end of August. She will be just over 2000 km. away, about a 20 hour drive. I have family and friends out there that I haven’t seen in a long time, so, when I visit her, I can visit them as well.

My grandkids spent the night after being here for a swim and dinner. I love having them, but it sure tires grandma out. They are all growing so fast, so I cherish all my time with them.

My family and friends have been coming over to use my pool and I always enjoy the company.

I have been to see two more plays over the last couple of weeks: On Golden Pond and My Hero. Both were small town theatres, both very well done and enjoyable.

I spent a weekend at the cottage on Lake Erie. I love sitting outside reading by the water, watching the sunset, feeling the breeze and watching the boats.

I am rearranging my house to suit me. My sister took my old couch for her basement and her stepson and his son came over and picked it up and took it over. It is gone. Yay!!

I was very lucky winning two things over the past couple of weeks. First, I won an Amazon Gift Card from Gina at Gina Rae Mitchell. She was celebrating her 1000th post. If you haven’t checked out her blog, I recommend it. I also won a free audiobook from the mid-year check in for the #2022AudiobookChallenge, hosted by Caffeinated Reviewer and That’s What I’m Talking About. Woo Hoo.

A shout out to Jonetta at Blue Mood Cafe. She has been posting Streaming Sunday, where she highlights a show, series, or movie she has watched that is showing on at least one streaming service. Thanks to her, I am watching Bosch on Prime and loving it. I am halfway through season 3 already. There are 7 seasons, so it will be awhile before I finish.

I also binge watched Season 4 of Virgin River! I enjoyed it, but I am hoping this is the end of Char in the series. She is so annoying.

  • Air Conditioning as our temperatures have been in the 80s and 90s, over 100 with the humidity
  • Ice Cream for lunch, Tiramisu for Breakfast
  • 2 for 1 Chicken wings with one of my sisters
  • A picnic in the park in the small town where we went to one of the plays
  • Value Village (resale shop) – for $80.00 I got 3 pairs of capris, 3 tops, 2 jackets
  • homemade cookies from my daughter
  • phonecalls from friends to check on me
  • rabbits to watch in the backyard
  • my pool to cool me down and exercise in

I am so blessed and have so many things to feel good about and be grateful for.

What was positive in your life, this week? What are you grateful for?

Have a wonderful day and week, everyone!