Welcome to It’s Monday! What are you Reading? It’s hosted by Kathryn from Book Date, this is a weekly event to share what we’ve read in the past week and what we hope to read, plus whatever else comes to mind.

I haven’t posted a What Are You Reading since May 27th. Because I left for my European Vacation with my daughter on June 1st, I didn’t read as much as I usually do each week. We arrived back home on Canadian Soil late on June 14th. We had an amazing time and if any of you are on facebook and would like to see our exploits, you can send me a friend request. I am listed as Carla L. Johnson-Hicks. We posted each night of what we did that day. Besides that, I don’t have much to report. I will post another vacation update on my blog sometime this week.

So, what did I read or listen to over the last three weeks? I was able to read or listen to 18 books/audiobooks, including 1 novella. Only 5 were on my TBR that I set before I left, so most of them were mood reading or for my challenges. I started 20 Books of Summer and read 4 of the ones on my list, and 1 off the possible list. I listened to 3 books for JIAM,Β  and read 4 books for blog tours with one review coming up later this week. I had planned on keeping up with reviews this week, but have only reviewed 12 of these books. With 6 left from the previous weeks to review, I am 12 book reviews behind for 2024, which is way too many for my comfort.πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ I seem to be getting further behind each week. Now that I am back home, I will be working hard to get caught up. Clicking on the cover will take you to my review, if I have posted it.

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Reading Now:

What Will I Read Next? Maybe…..

I have 1 book to read for a blog tour, 3 audiobooks for June is Audiobook Month (3 audiobooks I own) and a three audiobooks from the library to read or listen to. I am also working on my 20 Books of Summer and a few books on my Netgalley or Edelweiss shelf.Β  I know I will not read all of these over the next week, but these are the books I hope to choose from.Β 

The Magnolia Sisters: An Utterly Perfect and Heartwarming Romance The Bachelor's Bride: The Thompsons of Locust Street, Book 1 Β  Β  By the Book (Meant To Be)Β  Β Β 

An ambitious TBR this week, but I’ve been reading/listening to 12 to 14 books average for the last few weeks, so I might get to many of them unless I go off and mood read πŸ˜ƒ. I have been listening to a lot of audiobooks while doing things around the house and yard. What did you read this week? What are your upcoming reading plans?